Wicked Curious

A Young Adult Fiction Novel by Kevan Patriquin

The world’s definition of wicked: dark, sinister, evil. New Englanders’ definition of wicked: awesome, great, the best.

In 1973, future Hollywood stuntman, Mike Lamaitre, is a 10-year-old boy growing up on a 28-acre farm in rural New England. From an early age, his insatiable need to understand how the world works consistently finds him challenging and testing not only his own limits, but everyone in his family as well.

Amidst a backdrop of iconic New England seasons, young Mikey experiences everything from dangerous inventions to the thrill of performing on stage. While he and his sibling continually push the boundaries of acceptable behavior, their eccentric father and strong-willed mother are forced to persevere in spite of their own obstacles.

And through it all, the family endures, thanks to an abundance of love, strength, and a young boy’s wicked curiosity.


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